
August 13, 2013

Viber on iphone is not ringing

My friends keep telling me why I am not answering my viber, I checked my iphone 5 and saw a lot of missed calls on my recent list. The problem is that when somebody call using viber, my iphone 5 doesn't ring.

Step 1. Check if iphone 5 is not in silent mode


Step 2. Go to "Settings->Notifications"

Step 3. Select "Viber" apps

Step 4. Turn on "Notification Center"

Step 5. Under Alert Style, must be set to "Banner" or "Alerts"

Step 6. "Badge App Icon", "Sounds" and "View in Lock Screen" must be turn on.



Tommaso said...

Same problem with Iphone 6.......
All the setings have been verified and the app installed twice.

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Unknown said...

The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody else up. See the link below for more info.


Unknown said...

Thanks! I was thinking of checking on notifications but now I know that's the way of fixing it. Also, you can find viber in settings and then press notifications