
June 30, 2013

Long term investment vs short term investment in stock market

It's been more than 2yrs since I've started investing in stock market. As of now, I still consider myself a rookie with this type of business.

Short term investment
At first, I do the buy and sell strategy were most traders type of investor do. Well, it's stressful sometimes where you need to check from time to time the stock price. 

After a year, I evaluated my earnings of how much profit I have. Luckily, I earned a clean profit of 10% from the money I invested. As my MS excel computation is concern, I've notice how big the charges and taxes that was deducted from my earnings, too bad.

Long term investment
Time to change strategy, I've been reading some books about stock market and I find out that most successful investors are investing there money in stocks with good fundamental background for a long term basis.

After a careful study and decided on what stocks to buy, here comes the difficult part, buying time, the good timing when to buy the stock. I've waited for a couple of days and fortunately, the right time comes to pull the trigger. Five months later, my investment grows for as much as 40% and still growing. I said to myself, this is the wonder of long term investments, big savings against brokerage charges and taxes.


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